Small Claim Form

We Will Perform All of the Following:

1) Prepare Plaintiff's Claim
​ 2) File Plaintiff's Claim
​ 3) Process Serve Defendant (We pay Process Server) (We only use Registered/Bonded Process Servers)
​ 4) File with the Court Original Proof of Service
​ 5) Return Copies of All Documentation to you

All You Have to do is Appear in Court on the Day of the Hearing.

All that for a discounted package price of $199 + Court Fees

What can you do with a Judgment?

​ $ - Perform a Levy on your Defendant's Bank Account ​
$ - Perform a Garnishment of your Defendant's Wages ​
$ - Perform a Till Tap on your Defendant's Business ​
$ - Record your Judgment, placing a Lien on your Defendant's Property & Credit Report

Turn Your Bad Debt Into A Judgment

We also can perform after judgment actions, appeals, and skip traces.

78% of our Clients are PAID BEFORE the Hearing Date

Written Debts may be pursued up to four (4) years

The Court ADDS Approximately 1/2 of our fee on to your Judgment.

Each Additional Defendant over one is $50.00 for process serving.

Schedule Appointment

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.
Contact Information