What Does Being an Immigration Paralegal Entail?

what do immigration paralegals do

Immigration paralegals specialize in assisting legal professionals with immigration cases. From researching laws to interviews and correspondence, they play an important role in the process of helping immigrants settle into their new home country. Learn more about this career choice and decide if it’s the right one for you.

1: Understanding Immigration Law

An important part of becoming an immigration paralegal is developing a thorough understanding of immigration and nationality law. This includes familiarizing yourself with relevant documents and case studies, as well as staying up-to-date with changes in the law. A paralegal should also be knowledgeable about the newest visa applications, requirements for naturalization, processing times, family cases, enforcement, and more.

2: Knowledge of Court and Agency Procedures

What Do Immigration Paralegals Do

As an immigration paralegal, it is necessary to be familiar with the various court procedures typically used in immigration proceedings. This may include researching filing procedures while working on cases, knowing the process for motions to be heard by a judge, and understanding the best practices when preparing a client to testify at a hearing or attend an interview. Likewise, it is essential to know relevant government agencies.

3: Student Visa Applications and Assistance with Other Immigration Forms

As an immigration paralegal, you will use your expertise to help people with the paperwork and regulations involved with obtaining a visa. This includes helping them with student visa applications, as well as any other type of visa or green card process. You may also be required to assist with other immigration forms such as petitions, applications, renewals, and more. Additionally, you should be familiar with how different visas are processed and issued to ensure all legal processes are followed correctly and timely.

4: Preparation of Evidence, Paperwork, and Documentation

What Do Immigration Paralegals Do

As an immigration paralegal, you will be responsible for gathering the necessary evidence, paperwork, and documentation to help individuals with their applications. This may include seeking out records and other evidence that will show they meet the standard criteria of obtaining a visa or other type of immigration relief benefit. You may also review personal documents to ensure they are complete and accurate before filing them with the reviewing agency. Additionally, you may need to take witness statements or arrange for translation services for those whose first language is not English.

5: Maintaining Files on Cases in The Office's Database System

As an immigration paralegal, you will be responsible for maintaining up-to-date files on all cases. This will involve inputting information into the office’s database system such as client and witness contact information, filing dates, and other case notes. You will also assist in creating automated calendar reminders to ensure that team members are kept on track with important deadlines. Additionally, you may be called upon to research a variety of legal topics related to each case to provide detailed background briefs on the matter at hand.

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